Sunday, June 20, 2010
The Effects of Global Warming
The greatest threat we face is not Terrorism, but Global Warming.
The effects of G W are
Rising sea levels
Rise in cyclonic activity
Rise in temperatures
Change in climate
Fickle precipitation
Melting of glaciers in the Himalayas
Rising sea levels have submerged low level islands in the Sunderbans. Laccadives face threat of inundation due to sea level rise.
Coastal lands are also under threat. The climate of India has become extremely volatile due to Climate Change. The Njattuvelas are less fierce than before & water levels are being depleted.
Bangladesh is affected adversely by Climate Change, triggered by Global Warming. Its temperature, sea level and evaporation are on the rise and precipitation changes have resulted in drainage congestion. Floods have increased and there is a reduction in freshwater availability. GW can reduce India's GDP by 9% and submergence of Indian coastal lands can cause 7 million people to be displaced.
If severe climate changes occur, Bangladesh may lose its coastal lands. It will also impact India's 400 million poor, most of them working in agriculture or in the coastal areas.
To combat G W, planting of trees has been recommended. Trees are carbon storage and capture units. The carbon emissions from vehicles, ships and planes are causing the Warming. Trees absorb Co2 and give out oxygen.
Green Kerala, which has planted 32 lakh trees so far, has been lauded by the ex President, Kalam.
Kerala used to get 2000 mm rains every year. This time, with Jupiter in watery Pisces and Venus in watery Cancer, we will get more than 2200 mm rains. The Malabar Coast, from Mumbai to Kanyakumari, has been defined as Tropical Wet by the Koppen system. This Coast gets the maximum rains, viz, 2000 mm. Madras has been defined as Tropical Wet and Dry, getting an average rainfall of around 1000 mm. Gujarat and Rajasthan have been defined as Tropical Dry. Gujarat is semi arid, getting around 600 mm and Rajastan is arid, getting around 350 mm per year.
More info about GW at Fight Global Warming
arithmetic just drops out of trees
The Green Covenant !
The Ark of the Gaia Covenant is the Green Covenant. Ecosystems Management is the need of the hour.
We are destroying the environment, we are destroying our water reservoirs, we are not respecting Nature. The main enemy of Man is Man himself ! Pollution, environmental degradation, desertification etc are the problems of the hour. Food Crisis, Water Crisis and all sorts of crises had risen up.
Let us not destroy the environment. Let us respect Nature. We are confronted by an imminent catastrophic eco collapse !
Nature is visible Intelligence. Intelligence is invisible Nature. The male and female components of the Ultimate are called Natura Naturans, Creative Nature ( the Divine ) and Natura Naturata , Created Nature ( Nature ) in Spinozist Philosophy and as Saguna Brahman ( Relative Being ) and Nirguna Brahman ( Absolute Being ) in Indian Philosophy. Saguna Brahman is Prakrithi, is Nature !
The Vedas define the Absolute Being thus
Him the Sun cannot express nor the moon nor the stars
Lightning cannot express Him
Nor mighty Fire
Through Him they shine !
( Na tatra bhathi Sooryo na chandratharakam
Nema Bhanthi Vidyutho Kuthoyam Agni
Tham eva bhantham anubhathi sarvam
Tasya bhasa sarvam idam Vibhathi ).
Let us respect Nature, which is visible He !
Regarding Water Conservation, the hydrological engineer, Michael Kravalik advocates a massive restoration of the watersheds. Let water return to earth. Let there be more percolation tanks, to enrich groundwater resources !
The Blue Covenant !
What is a Covenant ? It is a pact with the Lord.
Blue Covenant means a pact with Water and Water Conservation.
We will not waste water any more.
We will not destroy forests, flora and fauna.
We will plant trees and save the world from Global Warming
We will respect ecosystems
We will protect our water reservoirs like lakes, rivers, lagoons and wells
We will do Rainwater Harvesting
We will conserve water using Drip Irrigatin
We will view trees and plants as Carbon Capture and Storage
We wlll view trees as Oxygen givers
Let us protect the Environment and hold on to the Blue Covenant !
In the Vedic Civilisation, the Covenant is like this
May I protect Brahman and Brahman me
( Om Sahanavavathu
Saha nau bhunakthu
Saha Veeryam Karavavahai
Thejasvi nava deetha masthu
Maa Vidhvishva vahai
Om Shanti Shanti Shanth )
But then Nature is not different from Him ! Nature is the outer garment of Spirit. " Nature is veiled somnambulist consciounsness, which contains within it all the latent powers of the Spirit. Within every atom, within every molecule, there lies hidden and works unknown all the omniscience of the Eternal and the omnipotence of the Infinite ". ( Aurobindo ).
Water is one of Nature's Elemental Five and she should be respected !
Water Crisis precipitates Food Crisis !
Water is the base of Life. Without water, there is no life !
Of the available scarce water resources, 70% go to Agriculture, 20% to Industry and 10 % to households.
If water is scarce, it will have its impact on irrigation. There will be less production of foodgrains, vegetables and fruits and the prices of these commodities will shoot up. ( The Govt consoled the people saying that food inflation is only 17%). This is exactly what we are witnessing today.
For instance, the prices of vegetables, fruits and foodgrains have more or less doubled in the last two years. Same is also true of fish and meat.
Less water means the prices of industrial products will shoot up. Hence the inflation. For households, water companies will hike their prices. Which is again what we are witnessing today.
The villain of the piece is overpopulation. Overpopulation strains the ecosystems and burdens social systems. More demand for water and for food. Supply is less. We have come to a stage where people fight for a loaf of bread or a bucket of water !
The hydrological engineer, Michael Kravalik, and his team of scientists ( at the Slovakia Govt NGO People & Water ) give a great warning. The places dried of water are called hot stains and Earth's hot stains are increasing. If the Earth dries out, as is happening now, it will cause Global Warming, decreased protection from the atmosphere, decreased biodiversity, melting of the polar ice caps, increased solar radiation, massive continental desertification and eventually global collapse ! Such is our Water Management !
The earth is drying up !
Reports from Mumbai that the city has only water for a month, if there are
no rains. Cause for alarm and despondency
Water Cycle or the Hydrologic Cycle
Due to transpiration and evaporation, water molecules form clouds and rains
fall to the earth as precipitation.
This transipration and evaporation normally comes from plants, rivers,
lakes, lagoons, water basins or water reservoirs. If the earth's surface is
paved over, then there will be reduced water to evaporate.
Divesting the earth of wells, lagoons, lakes, rivers which are water
reservoirs can only mean that there will be less evapotranspiration and
hence less precipitation or rains !
The causative factors for Water Bankruptcy
The destruction of the natural habitat
Destruction of water reservoirs like wells, ponds etc
Destruction of forest, flora and fauna
Groundwater mining
Contamination of Aquifers
Massive urbanisation
Diminishing water capital
Earth's hot stains ( dried up regions ) contributing to the impasse
The Global Freshwater Crisis
The vata planet Saturn in Virgo has precipitated a Water Crisis. Let us see what are the solutions. ( Yesterday Mumbai reported a severe water crisis, like Hyderabad. More bad news are coming in ).
Water is only a finite resource, even though it is universally assumed that global supply is infinite. Only 2.5 % of the global supply is freshwater. The rest is seawater, inacessible in ground water, ice caps and soi. This supply is limited.
Rainfall is the only renewable source of freshwater and per year the global supply is just 50,000 cubic km. Per year global population is increasing by 85 million. Hence the availability of freshwater per head is fast decreasing. The whole planet is overpopulated, with more than 6.5 billion people.
That limited source of freshwater is polluted, diverted and depleted by foolish humans. ( " Lord, what fools these mortals be", said Shakespeare ). More than one billon people lack access to safe, drinking water. UN says 31 countries face water stress and scarcity. The water stress countries are UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, India, Israel, Mexico etc.
By 2025, when the earth will be populated by an additional 2.5 billion people, 70% will be living in conditions of serious water shortage and 30% will be living in conditions of acute water scarcity.
To conserve Groundwater, Gabion structures can be used. More info about conserving Water can be had at the Central Groundwater Authority site.
A great warning has been given by World Resources " The world's
thirst for water is likely to become one of the most pressing resource
issues of the 21st century. In some cases, water withdrawals are so high, relative
to supply, that surface water supplies are literally shrinking and
groundwater levels are being depleted faster than they can be replenished by
In the Arab world, use of groundwater is three times than groundwater recharge.
Saudi is running towards depletion in the next 50 years. Africa's aquifers
are non-recharging and the current depletion is estimated at 10 million cubic
meters. Water tables are falling everywhere in India. Mexico is water scarce. In
Bangkok overpumping has taken its toll. Northern China has eight regions of water
scarcity. Beijing suffers from a massive water crisis.
The Water Wars !
Pakistan has charged that India is blocking water to Pak. Pak says that India has built 60 dams in Jammu & Kashmir and is blocking water, when water is needed and flooding the Pak villages, when water is not needed. India has refuted those charges. ( Incidentally, India has built 4600 dams. but then China has built 26000 dams ).
We have said that future wars will be over water, the blue gold. Without water irrigation is not possible.
Makki of Jamaat ud Dawa has exhorted Pak to go to war with India over water. Indian media has objected to non state players interfering in the issue.
The Indus Water Treaty still holds good. India is secular, the whole world is secular and it is foolish to divide lands on communal lines. It is time Pakistan renounced its " superior Civilisation " attitude. Such thinking will never get anybody anywhere and it is time for them to cooperate with others !
While we wept over the desertification of Kerala, this video says that the entire earth is desertifying, a terrifying prospect and that water will be privately owned and controlled in future !
Global Warming, the true cause !
2010 is a hot year, as hot as 1998 or 2005.
This video explains Global Warming and what are the causative factors which may facilitate change in climate.
Emission of Greenhouse gases, like Co2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide and Sulphur Hexaflouride are widely believed to increase warmth. Anthropogenic ( human ) activity also contribute to G W.
Factories and power plants also compound the problem. Thermal power plants are based on Coal and fossil fuel burning is another cause. It is estimated that the burning of fossil fuels release 10 billion tonnes of Co2 into the atmosphere per year.
Hence the importance of Wind Power and Solar Power now. ( The installed capacity of Wind Power is just 10 Giga Watts now, but will increase in the coming years. For Solar Power, the Center received proposals for $40 b of late. The Center has plans of generating 20 Giga Watts of Solar power within ten years.)
Deforestation is bad, as trees can absorb Co2 and give out Oxygen. Reforestation is the remedy.
Energy Management, Water Management etc are the needs of the hour. Unless we change, the planet is headed for big trouble !
Water Harvesting Centers
The ancient Sages knew about the importance of Rainwater Harvesting. When they built temples, they made it mandatory that a temple must have a large pond to harvest water.
The temple not only reveres the Unknown, but also sees to the welfare of the people and Water Management is important.
My village at Annakara has enough water. This is because the large temple pond harnesses rainwater and stores it.
The famous Guruvayur temple has a large water tank. A new one is being built now at a cost of 40 lakhs !
Water, the blue gold of the 21st Century !
The future wars will be over water !
There are more than 30 countries which are water deficient. UAE, Kuwait, Israel, Egypt, Malta, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Moldavia, Oman etc
Some water rich countries are Canada, Iceland, Guyana, Surinam, Papua New Guinea, Gabon, Solomon Islands, Norway, Panama, Brazil etc.
By 2012, Pakistan will become a water deficient country. Northen China is already water deficient.
Beautiful Kerala is a creation of the rainfalls and water rich Kerala is on her way to becoming a water deficient province ! Unless Rainwater Harvesting is enforced !
Reasons are naked.
Severe habitat destruction
Encroachment of evergreen tropical forests
Soaring residential and commercial construction
Illegal sandmining leading to decimated riverbeds
Industrial pollution and rivers dying
Abandonment of loss making paddy fields
( losses due to high labor charge )
Disappearing wells
Wiping out of reservoirs and catchment areas
Global warming is a reality. Heat waves are on the increase. There is a depletion of biodiversity and water resources. Let us stop Global warming by planting trees ! Let us use water conservation technologies like Drip Irrigation and Rainwater Harvesting to conserve the Blue Gold !
Solution to acute water shortage
Rainwater Harvesting and Drip Irrigation Technologies are the solution to the water problem. By 2013, 32 nations will be facing acute water shortage.
Water conservation is extremely important and the above mentioned are water conservation technologies. It is time humanity used these technologies for water conservation.
Farmers in Gujarat have gone hi tech, after their visit to Israel. Israelis made their deserts bloom with drip irrigation technology and Israel is a leader in this field.
Half of Israel is desert land and Israel was facing acute water shortage. The Israelis solved the problem by Drip Irrigation Technology !
Rainwater Drip Irrigation is the combination of both. Rainwater harvested from rains is used as the Drip Irrigation Tank.
Suppose out of the 8760 odd hours in a year, we get 100 hours of rainfall. We can harvest 200,000 litres of rain water, which can be used for irrigation and flushing. If we can use Aquaguard or such water filters, we can make the water potable. This is the wisdom behind Rainwater Harvesting. Only the nominal initial investment is painful. We can save money, water and time ! No need to take the hose and water the garden for one hour, no need to start the motor and irrigate the farm for another hour ! Hours are saved. Water is saved and ultimately money is saved, as rainwater is free !
More info at Rain Water Harvesting
Rainwater Harvesting, the solution to water shortage !
It is disconcerting to hear that many parts of India are facing acute water shortage.
The solution to this problem is Rainwater Harvesting. All info can be had at This is the offcial RWH site of Indian Govt. The Govt has started a lot of Centers for Science and Environment to combat this problem !
Percolation tanks should be built to store water, thus vitalising ground water resources. This stored water can be used for irrigation. ( also drinking by aquacleaning it ).
In my village, in Annakara, Trichur Dist, some unscrupulous elements stole sands from the paddy fields, with the result a big lake was formed in the paddy fields. Now people are fishing there ! This acted as a percolation tank and all wells have sufficient well water ! A negative act became positive !
There are some causative factors for the water shortage. Earlier the paddy fields, the wells and the tanks served as Nature's rainwater tanks and now people are destroying the paddy fields and concrete structure are replacing them. The wells are also destroyed, as well as the tanks. Rubber and Acacia are trees which absorb a lot of water and planting these trees also deplete water wealth. So this water shortage is more or less self-created and Rainwater Harvesting is the way out ! Without water, there is no Life !
Tree are being cut and shopping complexes and houses are rising where the trees were. Such acts only add to Global Warming. Temp in Kerala touched 43 degrees and she is going the way of Madras, where 45 degrees have been reported. In Chennai, rains are rare and she is very hot !
Rainwater is free. For water used for irrigation and drinking purposes we have to pay a price. In our farmhouse, we have to pay electricity charges for pumping water out from a well. For potable water also, we have to a pay water bill. On the other hand, rainwater is a free gift, bestowed by Nature !
By the true and beautiful penetrated
From Water was everything first created
Water doth everything still sustain
Ocean ! grant us thy endless strain ( Goethe )
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