There are many who fear that the sea may very well devour Kochi, within 25 years
Rising sea levels are a big concern to those living in the coastal areas. Global Warming theorists say that 1.5 meters of coast will be devoured by the sea, if the rise is 1 mm. By 2030, the rise will be 72 mm more and 108 meters will be devoured by the sea. A bitter truth ?
The cold winds from the ocean determines both Kala Varsha ( The S W Monsoon ) and the Thula Varsha ( the North East ) Monsoons. If the wind speed is 12 kt, then the intensity of the Kala Varsha or the South West Monsoon will be less than half ! If more than 20, the Kala Varsha will be 150% and if it is more than 28 kt, the Kala Varsha will be 400%.
Climate Change has altered the speeds of Winds and we find that sometimes the SW Monsoon is intense and sometimes it is not !
Lands 8 meters below the sea level are under threat. Not only Kochi, but the coastal areas of Trichur, Calicut, Trivandrum etc are under threat. It is to be noted that some great complexes of Kerala, like Naval Academy of Tvm, the Naval Base of Kochi, the Cochin Airport, Kochi ePort and Tvm Airport are all under threat !
Successive draughts, intense cold climate and floods have ravaged Bolivia. Let us hope that Kerala will not go the way of Bolivia !
That Bolivia is going towards a major Food Crisis has been highlighted by the Food and Agricultural Organisation of UN.
16000 cattle, 24000 hectares of wheat, corn fields etc will perish in Bolivia. Bolivia will not be able to absorb this crisis of a high magnitude. One fifth of Bolivia is stll reeling under the impact of Climate Change. FAO warns that all natural calamities except cyclones will have to be faced by Bolivia.
The agriculturists are always affected by Climate Change. Traditional agriculture gets destroyed by intense rains or drastic draughts. The agriculturist lives in debt and dies in debt. He is forced to stop his agriculture or fall into the debt trap !
That which is happening in Bolivia may happen in India and Kerala.
Normally Libra rains start in the evening, drizzle at night and before dawn stops raining. Now the climate patterns have changed and intense rains destroyed 5000 acres of paddy fields this season ! All seeds were destroyed and Keralites had to go to Madras to get the seeds. If the earlier patterns were followed - bright sunny days after the intense downpour - then the water would have drained itself from the paddy fields.
Heat also has changed its patterns. It is now 40 degrees at Palghat and the lowest temperature recorded is 22 degrees. In Nilgiriis, rising heat has created red spiders . 8% crop has been destroyed as a result. Red spiders attack the tea plantations which are devoid of huge trees.
There are many paddy fields in Kerala which does not produce, despite the intense work done by the agriculturists.
In Alleppey Dist, when temperature rose 1.8 degrees, there was a reduction in weight of the produce. The rising temperature during the months of January, February and March was the villain. The rice fields of Trichur and Palghat were also considerably affected.
Pepper cultivation is also affected. Weight also comes down. Also cocoa, tea etc in the highlands. In 2004, cocoa produce came down by 39%. Rubber produce declined by 3.8%. . In Kottyam, the highest temperature recorded was 33.3% and now it is 35% ! Because of intense heat and cold, more funguses made their way into rubber. Cashew has also been affected adversely by Climate Change. There is a drop in the produce by 30%. Kerala, which was first in cashewnut production, is now only fourth !
Palghat Dist, bordering Tamil Nadu, looks like the hot TN !. 41 degrees have been reported as the highest temperature. If you go to Chittoor in Palghat, you will come to know how different Palghat looks than the rest of Kerala. Paddy cultivation has come down in Palghat. Palghat gets more North East Monsoon than South West Monsoon !
Climatologists are of the opinion that the quantity of rains have not come down in Kerala. On the other hand, rainy days have declined. Now there are fierce downpours and sunny interludes. Fierce rains are defined as rains which give 20 cms of rain in one hour. Such fierce rains have increased and sunny days have also increased. This Climate Change is caused by Global Warming.
In 2008, in Kuttanad, such rains created havoc, destroying crops. Such rains continued this year, during both the Monsoons, the North East and the South West. Depressions caused these rains. The snowfall in Idukki caused destruction in cardamom crops. Climatologist view these happenings as unnatural phenomena. During some years, the intensity of the South West Monsoon becomes less. Not only Kerala, but Jharkhand, Chattisghand are also adversely affected.
It is said the dogs need not check the Astro Calender to know which is the sidereal month of Virgo or Kanya. It is also proof that time for procreation and Climate are interlinked. Kanya or the sidereal month of Virgo is the interlude between the two major monsoons and is devoid of rains. Less daylight and more the duration of night characterise this sidereal month. This is the month dogs find it easy to mate. This month stimulates the procreational urge in dogs and they instinctively that this is the month for mating. The cause is attributed to the Bio Clock mechanism in dogs. Female dogs give birth only after 60/70 days. By that time the Kala Varsha or the Sourth West Monsoon will be over. The young ones will get the right atmosphere for growing. That is why Nature gave dogs such a benign month.
This year the Kala Varsha continued during the month of Kanya with the result the procreational cycle of dogs is adversely affected. The dogs ran here and thereby their mating declined ! The physiological processes of dogs is affected by Climate Change. Now dogs that are born have less weight and this phenomenon has been observed in Alsation dogs particularly.
The intensity of the rains have increased with the result fierce rains wreaked havoc on Agriculture. The rainwater does not seep through the earth and hence there are less wells and water reservoirs. Floods have increased considerably.
Another phenomenon is the retreat of the monsoons. In July/ August of 2002, less rains caused draught. It used to be 21% rainfall during June, 33% in July, 28% in August and 18% in Sep.
Now Climate Change has changed all that. More sunny interludes have been reported in July. This phenomenon has increased by 30% due to the the wind waves of the South West Monsoon going to the bottom of the Himalayas.
For the last 15 years, oreographic precipiation or rains in the hilly areas, have declined by 20%. Lesser and lesser amount of rains are reported every year.
Deforestation is the cause for less rains in Peerumedu and Nerumangalam. The mountains do block the cold wind waves coming from the Indian Ocean and cause precipitation.
In short, Global Warming's repercussions on Climate can be drastic. We hope furthur negative reports do not come from the Climatologists !
There was a CMFRI ( Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute of India ) report that Global Warming affects fish production.
Co2 emissions are more. The Carbon Dioxide combines with ocean water and forms Carbolic Acid. This increases the acidity levels of the ocean water and affects fish.
The Sea Surface Temperature (SST) goes up due to GW and this affects fish. Fish tend to go to colder areas.
The SST has gone up. In 1962, the SST was 28.3 and in 2007, it is 28.94 !
In fact, the quanity of fish has not come down. It is because of the burgeoning population - 1.2 billion in India and more consumption, that it seems to be so. Some species of fish disappeared. Some moved away to other areas.
In Kerala, from 1960 to 1984, fish production increased threefold due to technology, more education and good nets. But then after 1990, it has not gone up. After 1992, there was not much tuna catch. Mackerels catch also declined significantly. Sardines catch only increased marginally.
Catfish production also declined. Catfish has moved from Trichur but is available in Calicut District. Sharks also have disappered from the Trichur coast.
The heat above the surface of the ocean will be more before the South West Monsoon and will come down during the SW Monsoon. For the last 41 years, a different phenomenon has been observed. The temperature during the Monsoon season was 27.16 and now it is 28. 46!
Sardines are available on the Kerala coast after the Monsoons. Mackerel is available during the monsoons. The difference in temperature is responsible for this.
The difference in temperature is the cause for the change in habitat for fish. Ghee sardines and macekerels, which are found in less deep waters, move towards colder areas when they experience heat. There are also fish which move towards deeper waters. Mackerels which were never caught in deep waters before. are now available in deep waters. Different types of fish survive in different temperatures and GW changes the fish production equation !
The food which is eaten by the fish is also affected by the rise in temperature. Phytoplankton is the main food of fish. The Co2 is absorbed by Phytoplankton and food is prepared. The rising temperature destroys the Phytoplankton thus affecting the food of the fish ! Fish cannot survive due to the destruction of the Phytoplankton ! Some small plants grow rapidly due to the increasing heat, which cannot be eaten by fish ! During some seasons, phytoplanktons grow rapidy and gets destroyed. This also affects fish !
That the ocean becomes orange and red has been reported. This is due to certain phytoplanktons spreading. Some species of fish become more and some less. Poisionous plants become more and this adversely affects fish !
Let us hope GW will not devastate furthur !
G W has also affected astro meteorological patterns. Kerala received 56% more rains during this Monsoon season. Intense rains destroys crops and agri lands were indundated.
Meteorology may say it is a depression in the Bay of Bengal called La Nina which is responsible for the rains, but to those well versed in Astro Meteorology, it is the Sun's transit of Scorpio and the constellation of Delta Scorpi, which is the cause, as heavy rains lashed Trichur. From 0500 PM it was raining till 1100 PM, when I went to sleep.
According to Meteorology, La Nina is a coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon of El Nino, as a part of the El Nino Southern Oscillation Climate pattern. La Nina is defined as the dialectial opposite of El Nina !
These depressions happen only during the Monsoon season, when the Sun transits the constellations from Eta Tauri to Alpha Scorpi ! So Astro Meteorology is right !
Why do these depression not happen during the summer season?
Climate Change, triggered by Global Warming, is creating havoc throughout the world. Sea levels rose by 1.8 mms from 1961 to 2003. All snowy mountains are melting. Co2 levels are increasing. Forest fires increased. When hot air creates lightning, forest fires are more. More cyclones and thunderstorms. Extreme climatic patterns are produced. More floods and more draughts than usual.
Libra rains are proving destructive in Kerala. The North East Monsoon starts from early October and ends in December end.
Kerala received 65 cms of rain in 2010, in contrast to the 42 cms received in 2009. This is adverse for Agriculture. Kerala has received the maximum Libra rains this year. Maximum rains have been reported in Trichur Dist. It is 102% more than the average and Cannanore is the nearest district which has received good amount of rainfall.
The depression formed in the Bay of Bengal, along with whirlwinds are the causes for the intensity of the Libra Monsoon or Thula Varsham, says the Trivandrum Meteorological Dept.
In North Kerala, heavy rains have triggered floods and it has hurt the agricultural sector. More than 15000 acres have been indundated. These rains will hurt mangoes and cashewnut production. Rubber also is adversely affected. Tapping has become difficult due to heavy rains. Floods are creating havoc in Kuttanad, the rice bowl of Kerala. Even in the summer, vegetable production will be affected.
On the positive side, these rains will reduce the intensity of the draught in the coming summer months of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
A Study Committee has reported that Climate Change in Kerala will improve coconut prouction by 30%. Also there will be more sardines and mackarels.
The name sardine is derived from the word " Sardina " which is an island. Sardines are inexpensive protein. Now ghee sardines or oily sardines are sardines full of oil. You dont need oil to fry them, as they have enough oil. Now there will be more oily sardines on the Western Coast due to Climate Change (which is triggered by Global Warming ).
Due to ocean water becoming hot and favourable sea breezes, oily sardines will be more. Indian mackarels will be more, as the surface ocean becomes hot.
While the entire world is worried about Global Warming and Climate Change, this is good news for Kerala. This report was released by the Environment Committee. Within 20 years, there will be a marked climate change and these are the fresh changes which will be triggered. Kerala coconut production will increase by 30% and sardines will be more during the South West Monsoon season and mackarels will be more during the months in between October and March !